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The word for monkey is masculine. It is le singe.

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Q: What is the masculine gender of a monkey in french?
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What is the masculine and feminine gender of a monkey?

what is masculine feminine gender of monkey? monkey - don't know

Is walking masculine or femine in french?

verbs have no feminine or masculine gender in French. Only nouns and their related adjectives have a gender.

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Is the word it feminine or masculine in french?

In French, the word "it" does not directly translate as feminine or masculine because it depends on the gender of the noun it represents. So, when using "it" in French, make sure to match the gender of the noun it replaces.

Is the word 'captain' in its French translation feminine or masculine in gender?

The word "captain" in French is "capitaine" and it is masculine in gender.

Is lobster masculine or feminine in French?

In English, there is no gender to "lobster" but the French term homard is a masculine noun.

What is the gender of the french word books?

In French, the word "livres" (books) is masculine.

Is the word whiteboard in french masculine or feminine?

it is a masculine gender

Is the French word for a widower masculine or feminine?

a widower is translated 'un veuf' in French. This is a masculine noun.

What is the gender of the french word for gold?

l'or is a masculine noun in French.

What is a female monkey called in French?

The female of the monkey is called "guenon" in French. The monkey - as a species, or any monkey when its gender is not relevant - is called "singe".

What is the gender of virus?

In French, "virus" is a masculine noun.