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Q: What is the mass if 96.5 g will balance the object?
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An unknown object is placed on a balance which then reads 6.118 g Its volume is measured to be 3.04 cm3 Find the density of this object by dividing mass by volume?

The density is 2,0125 g/cm3.

What unit do you use to measure the mass of a spoon?

The S.I unit of mass is kilograms(kg) but you can also use grams(g). To find the mass of an object you can use an electronic balance.

An unknown object is placed on a balance which then reads 6.118 Its volume is measured to be 3.04 Find the density of this object by dividing mass by volume?

6.118/3.04 = 2.01 g/cm^3

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What is used to measure the mass of an object?

Mass can either be measured in grams, kilograms, pounds But the SI unit of mass is kilograms

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0.3456 g

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The mass divided by the volume, v.

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5 To the tenth of a milligram = 5.0000 g

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