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BeC2O4 = 97.0 g/1 mol

BeC2O4-3H2O = 151.0 g/1 mol

3.21 g BeC2O4-3H2O * 1 mol/151.0 g = 0.021258 mol BeC2O4-3H2O

0.021258 mol BeC2O4-3H2O * 97.0 g/1 mol = 2.06 g BeC2O4

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Q: What is the mass of BeC2O4 if 3.21g of BeC2O4-3H2O is heated to 220 degrees Celsius?
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What happens to osmium when heated from 4000 to 6000 degrees Celsius?

At 4000 deg C it is already in liquid form. At 5008 deg C it will evaporate. Further heating will simply make the vapours hotter.

What gets colder wood or metal?

If the surrounding air is zero degrees Celsius, steel and wood must have also the temperature of zero degrees Celsius. Wood is not warmer as many people believe. Although the temperatures are equal, you will perceive the steel as colder to touch. This is because it will absorb heat from your fingers more quickly than the wood (as it attempts to reduce your finger temperature to zero).

Can a gas freeze?

A solid is already 'frozen'. Many solids will liquefy when heated, so their solid forms are the result of cooling down again, though the solid/liquid change may occur at hundreds of degrees celsius. Gases will liquefy before freezing, but will freeze if cold enough. Thus nitrogen liquefies at -196 celsius and freezes at -210 celsius, hydrogen liquefies at -252 celsius and freezes at -259 celsius, and helium liquefies at -269 celsiusand freezes at -272 celsius, which is about 1 degree above absolute zero.

When cow milk is heated at a temperature 30 Celsius and curd is added what will be the taste and quality?

I think the proper scientific term is "disgusting."

How does heat affect the density of liquids?

As a general rule of thumb for most substances as the temperature increases the density decreases. There are a few well-known exceptions to the rule; for example the density of liquid water between 0 degrees and four degrees Celsius actually increases with temperature to a maximum at 4 degrees (after which it starts decreasing again). Even more widely known is that liquid water at 0 degrees Celsius is more dense than ice at the same temperature; this is very unusual, as for most substances the solid phase is more dense than the liquid phase.

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In which degree Celsius water heated?

100 degrees celsius

What is the mercury's motion particles as it's heated from 45 degrees Celsius to 365 degrees Celsius?

As mercury is heated from 45 degrees Celsius to 365 degrees Celsius, its particles will gain energy and move faster. This increased thermal energy causes the particles to vibrate more quickly and spread out, leading to an expansion in volume. At the higher temperature, the motion of mercury particles will be more rapid and chaotic compared to when it was at 45 degrees Celsius.

Describe the state of matter of mercury and the motion of its particles as it is heated from -45 degree Celsius to 356 degree Celsius?

Mercury is a liquid at room temperature and becomes a gas when heated to 356 degrees Celsius. As it is heated, the particles in the liquid mercury gain energy and move more rapidly, eventually breaking free from the liquid phase and becoming a gas. At the higher temperature, the particles move faster and farther apart, transitioning from the liquid to the gaseous state.

What happens when a protein is heated to 60 degrees Celsius?

When a protein is heated to 60 degrees Celsius, it can undergo denaturation, where its structure unfolds and loses its functional shape. This can lead to a loss of its biological activity and may result in changes to its properties such as solubility and enzymatic activity. Ultimately, the protein may become non-functional or exhibit altered characteristics compared to its native state.

What happens to copper oxide when its heated?

if it is heated above 1200 degrees celsius than it melts

What is the unusual behavior of water as it is heated from 0degrees Celsius to 15 degrees Celsius?

1,000 m

What happens when matter is heated to extreme temperatures greater than 10000 degree Celsius?

when matter is heated to 10,000 degrees celsius it becomes plasma.

What does water do as it is heated?

it will boil once it reaches 100 degrees Celsius

How many kilocalories were absorbed by the water iif you have 175g of water and it was heated from 15 degrees celsius to 88 degrees Celsius?

12.775 kcal

Can chloroform be heated to ninety degrees celsius in an open container?

Yes, chloroform can be heated to 90 degrees Celsius in an open container as long as proper caution is taken due to its flammability and toxicity. It is important to handle chloroform carefully and in a well-ventilated area to avoid any risks.

What happens to chromium when heated at 20 degrees Celsius?

Nothing, a passivation occur.

What happens to water at 4 degrees Celsius is heated slightly?

As water at 4 degrees Celsius is heated slightly, it will start to expand and the temperature will increase. This is because water is at its maximum density at 4 degrees Celsius, and heating it will cause the molecules to move faster and spread out, leading to a volume increase and a temperature rise.