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a few molecules

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Q: What is the mass of air of mesosphere?
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Related questions

What percent of the mass of air in the mesosphere?


What type of rock is mesosphere made of?

The mesosphere is air, the lithosphere is rock.

What is the air pressure of the mesosphere?


What makes up the mesosphere of the earth?


What is mesosphere in the atmosphere?

it means the air height.

Is there air pressure in the mesosphere?

190 millibars

What is the air pressure in the mesosphere?

it is 190 millibars

Where is the air in your atmosphere more dense?

In the mesosphere, the air is more dense.

Does air movement occurs primarily in the mesosphere?

yes or no

What are the layers of the air?

Layers of atmousphere/Air: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Theremosphere

Is the air in the mesosphere thicker than the air in the stratosphere?

If by thicker you mean more dense then the answer is no.

What do the troposphere and the mesosphere have in common?

the air pressure is similar well kind of