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Q: What is the maturity level of an eight year old kid?
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Could you babysit a kid who is say 5 you are 12?

yes i believe the legal age to babysit is 12. but it depends on the maturity level of the 12 year old and how difficult the 5 year old is

Is it wrong for a 23 year old guy to act like a kid?

Every person has to shade of his personality, Maturity and UN maturity. Most of the person start showing their Maturity after a age after 18 year but some enjoy the second shade in which is he start to showing behave like a kid so it is not UN natural.send flowers to mumbai online

In what category or range would an eight-year-old fall with an IQ of 110?

Normal. You have a good kid there. Be grateful.

Who is the coolest kid at monrad?

The coolest kid in Monrad changes from year to year. The kid who was the coolest last year, may not be considered the coolest kid this year. Everyone kid has the potential to be the coolest.

How long can a 6 year old kid be left alone for?

Most laws say children should be supervised until age 12. Even then, the lack of maturity can lead to problems. Never leave a six year old home alone.

What level does raiomdiomd evolve?

level 96 kid

How stop do you acting like a kid?

No longer acting like a child usually happens as a person ages and a new maturity level is reached. Everyone still has some things that they do that others may think are child-like behaviors though.

At what age should a kid get rats?

It all depends on the child's maturity. Everyone is different, but I had a rat when I was 8 and that went well for me.

How strong is kid Goku?

Kid Goku is a character in the Dragonball series. Kid Goku is strong but he is massively outclassed by characters later on in the series.

Is it normal for a ADHD kid to like someone who is at their maturity level Because I dance ballet and their's this girl that is 10 but I'm 13 how do I approach about it?

You are a pedophile. 10 is prepubescent, unless theres something in the water where you live. Sicko - ADHD is no excuse. Get help now!

Should children under the age of seventeen have access to the Internet in their room?

NO! From Sackboy9999 YES! ive had internet access in my room since i was 8 it just depends on the maturity level of your kid i was mature enough to use Internet in my room so i do i also have Aspergers

What if a guy a 8 year old?

An 8 year old is more of a kid than a guy, and you may wish to play games with him, but only those kinds of games which are appropriate for that age level.