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6*5/2 = 15 planes.

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Q: What is the maximum number of pairs of planes determined by six lines that are perpendicular to a plane?
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What is the greatest number of planes determined by four noncolinear points?

4 planes.

What is two perpendicular number lines or axes used for graphing ordered pairs of numbers?

Coordinate planes

Whit is the greatest number of planes determined by four noncollinear points?


Can planes be perpendicular to each other?

no planes are not perpendicular to each other because for air resistance the planes are designed in a such way that air is avoided to back side and they are inclined to each other.

Can Planes can be perpendicular to each other?


What is the maximum number of degrees you can go south of the equator?

You can only travel 90 degrees north, which is the North Pole. The poles are in a plane (all planes) perpendicular to the equator.

What are Two planes that intersect at right angles?


Two planes are perpendicular if?

If they meet at right angles

Can two planes contains the same line?

Yes. A line can be the intersection of two planes, or any number of planes. A real-world example would be the central axis (axle) of a paddlewheel on a steamboat, which would be coplanar with all of the planes represented by the individual paddles. A single line is similarly the intersection of perpendicular planes.

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How many planes are perpendicular to the line at one point?


Do two planes intersect in infinitely many points?

No, perpendicular planes intercept at only one point. Parallel planes do not intersect at all.