

What is the maximum speed of a aerial transport?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the maximum speed of a aerial transport?
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Does Xylem transport food?

Yes. Xylem transport water from roots to aerial parts of plant while phloem transport food from leaves to roots and in spring from roots to buds.

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The maximum speed of MCA is 10 MHz

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The maximum velocity produced by a car is the same as its maximum speed. This maximum speed is typically limited by the car's engine power, gearing, and aerodynamics. It is the fastest speed the car can achieve under optimal conditions.

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The capacity of an aerial transport can vary depending on the type of aircraft. Commercial airliners can typically carry anywhere from 50 to over 500 passengers, while smaller private planes or helicopters may only accommodate a handful of people.

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the maximum speed is around 89

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Xylem transport water from roots to aerial parts of plant while phloem transport food from leaves to roots and in spring from roots to buds.