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Q: What is the maximum temperature recorded on the thermometer during distillation?
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Does digital thermometer has kink?

No need for such kink since the maximum temperature sensed could be recorded and can be seen at any time.

Which thermometer is used to measure atmospheric temperature?

Maximum minimum thermometer

What is the application of a Six's thermometer?

six's maximum and minimum thermometer is used to measure the temperature

Why is lab thermometer can't be used as clinical and vice - varsa?

A clinical thermometer typically shows a maximum reading while a lab thermometer typically shows the temperature right now. When you take a thermometer out of a patients mouth (or other place that you are measuring the temperature) you most often want the maximum temperature to keep showing until you reset the instrument. When using a lab oratory thermometer you want the instrument to react as quickly as possible so that changes (up and down) can be noticed and recorded.

Can you measure the temperature of a hot tea with a clinical thermometer?

No, the temperature of hot tea is substantially higher than the maximum that a clinical thermometer is designed for.

Can you measure the temperature of hot tea with a clinical thermometer and why?

No, the temperature of hot tea is substantially higher than the maximum that a clinical thermometer is designed for.

How do you find the temperature range in a wetland?

Use a maximum-minimum thermometer.

What is the maximum recorded temperature in tupelo?


How to measure Maximum and minimum temperature at a place?

its a simple answer........................................................................... thermometer se. hahahahahahahahahah

What values can be obtained from min max thermometer?

The minimum, maximum, and current temperature.

What science was Charles cavendish famous for?

He invented the thermometer which recorded the maximum and minimum range measured.

What thermometer measures maximum and minimum pressure?

There is no special name for a maximum-minimum thermometer. It generally consists of two scales one will push a slider up as the temperature increases and the other thermometer pushes a slider down as the temperature goes down. You read it by observing the position of the sliders and then reset it so that the sliders return to the current temperature.