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10,000 is highest HHI because 100 squared= 10,000

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Q: What is the maximum value of the Herfindahl index?
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Value weighted index is a market average such as Standard & Poor's 500 Index that takes into account the market value of each security rather than calculating a straight price average. An equal weighted index is a type of weighting that gives the same weight, or importance, to each stock in a portfolio or index fund. The difference is one gives individual value and other gives one value to all.

What is index value?

Index value is a phrase used to describe pairs of numbers that are arranged in a table. The purpose of this is so applications can match numbers.

What is the highest handicap ladies can have?

As per USGA rules it is only a maximum of 24. And for Ladies it is 36.

What is the value of count after execution of the for-loop?

The value of count should be more than max range of the for-loop. e.g. for (index=0;index<n;index++) ....In this case the count (i.e. index) would be more than "n" which is max-range.

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Dense Index: An index record appears for every search key value in file. This record contains search key value and a pointer to the actual record. Sparse Index: Index records are created only for some of the records. To locate a record, we find the index record with the largest search key value less than or equal to the search key value we are looking for. We start at that record pointed to by the index record, and proceed along the pointers in the file (that is, sequentially) until we find the desired record. - - (ref:

Find out the smallest and biggest element in an 1-d array?

#include using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;double minimum(double myArray[], const intarraySize);double maximum(double myArray[], const intarraySize);int main(){const int arraySize = 10;double myArray[arraySize] = {0.0};cout

Is the maximum value g at equator?

it is maximum at the poles