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Q: What is the mean of KB for wood measurement?
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Is KB same as same as Mg?

No. KB (kilobytes) is a measurement of data (1000B, 8000b) Mg (megagrams) is a measurement of weight, (1,000,000 grams)

What is 31MB in KB?

There is 31,000 KB in 31 MB, that is the simple rule of calculating digital measurement's.

How many KB's in an inch?

An inch is a unit of linear measurement. A kilobyte (kb) is a measurement of the number of ones and zeros that can be stored electronically. There's no conversion there. It is similar to asking "How many apples in a banana?"

How much kB in 1 Kb?

Did you mean: 'How much bytes in 1 KB?' If you did: the answer is 1000 bytes in 1 KB.

What does kb mean computer wise?

KB refers to space, KB means Kilobyte.

What is bigger a MB or a KB?

Kg stands for "kilogram" which is a measure of physical mass, where as MB stands for Megabyte, which is a measurement of data. However, there is a measurement of data known as a kilobyte, which is abbreviated "kb". One Megabyte contains 1,000 Kilobytes.

What does 14 kb stamp mean?

The 14k means it is gold and the kb is the maker or company.

Wood measurement by cube?

Board feet is a cubic measurement of wood. One board foot = 1 ft × 1 ft × 1 in.

What is KB in computer language?

KB = kilobyte = 1024 bytes, whare a byte is one number between 0 and 255 (2^8). its a unit of measurement of information contained within a given file.

What does KB text mean?

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What is an error in measurement?

A error in measurement is when the measurement taken is not actually correct. For instance, you measure a gap as 49 centimetres wide. You cut the plank of wood to fit that measurement. Then discover the wood you have just cut is too wide to neatly fit the gap. There has been an error in the measurement you have taken.

What does BF mean in the lumber industry?

Birch, fine. It is a measurement (loose) of the fineness of the wood's grain. The markings are done on the smallest end (say the 2" side of a 2x4" piece of wood) and in blue pencil.