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The root "pos" typically refers to "ability" or "power" in words such as "possible," "positive," and "position." It signifies the capability or potential for action or influence.

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Q: What is the meaning for the root pos?
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What is the meaning of the root word pos?

The root syllable 'pos-' is a contracted form of the adjective 'potis'. The adjective is the actual root word. The root syllable is its shortened form. Either way the meaning is capable.

What does put or place mean in a root?

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What are some words that contain the root word pos?

The root word pos means to place or put. Some words that contain this are expose, posture, postpone, poster, etc.

What is the prefix root and suffix of the word posture?

There is no prefix. Pos is the root word. -ure is the suffix.

What does the root words pos and pon mean?

As far as I can find out, neither of these words are a root word.

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In computer terms, POS usually means Point Of Sale.

What is the difference between negative and positive feedback in human?

we grow up with the learning of the fact that there is a difference between Positive and Negative feedback. it is obvious that negative is bad because of the the latin root "neg" meaning to feel sorrow. while positive is good because it uses the greek root "pos" meaning to be in a place of high power

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No, there is not a latin root meaning for fog.

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What does pon pos and posit mean?

"Pon" is short for "point of sale," which refers to the physical location where a transaction takes place. "POS" can also stand for "point of sale." "Posit" is a verb that means to put something in a particular position or place.

What is the greek root meaning nerve?

The Greek root meaning nerve is "neur" or "neuro", which is commonly used in words related to the nervous system or nerve function.