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"Dry pants catch no fish" is a Bulgarian proverb.

It means that there is nothing gained (the figurative fish), unless one puts in the effort and hard work necessary to achieve their goal (in the proverb, getting one's pants wet by going in the water to catch the fish).

Or, in other words, it means that one has to endure inconvenience or discomfort (getting one's pants wet, for example) in order to achieve worthwhile results, goals, or desires.

To better explain this concept, I leave you with a few similar proverbs from around the world:

No pain, no gain.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Fair words butter no cabbage. - Serbian

The ground is always frozen for lazy pigs. - Danish

Laziness goes so slowly that poverty overtakes it. - Dutch

He who would sweep the hut must not sit on the broom. - Bantu

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smoke it.

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You need not have pants dry cleaned after each wearing. Have them dry cleaned when they are soiled. You probably won't be able to wear them more than three or four times without cleaning, but it depends more than anything on what you do while wearing them.

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Do the boys on the jermals cook the fish?

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wash i cold water and DO NOT DRY!!! Spread pants on table or flat surface.

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The advantages of wool pants over pants made of other materials is that wool is warm and comfortable. Wool pants will keep you dry. They are fire retardant, mold resistant and very supportive of joints on the body.

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Yes - put both your winter jacket and snow pants in the dryer on high heat for 2 - 4 hours.