

What is the meaning of 'encompass'?

Updated: 10/26/2021
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Q: What is the meaning of 'encompass'?
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Encircle, encompass.

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What is the root word for Encompass?

The root word of encompass is en-.

How do you put encompass in a sentence?

No amount of explanation can encompass how ridiculous this question is.

How do you make a sentence with the word encompass?

encompass - to encircle;to enclose"The conference will encompass all aspects of network security.""The empire of the Mongols grew to encompass most of mainland Asia and parts of eastern Europe."

What is the abstract noun to encompass?

The abstract noun form of the verb to encompass is encompassment.

What is the base word in inclusion?

The base word in inclusion is "clude," which means to shut or close. Adding the prefix "in-" changes the meaning to include, encompass, or involve.

Can you make a sentence using the word encompass?

We planned to encompass the enemy while they slept.

What is the noun form of encompass?

The noun form for the verb encompass is encompassment and the gerund, encompassing.

What is another word for encompass?

Another word for encompass is include. Encompass can have a few different meanings ranging from encircling something to causing something to occur.

When was Encompass New Opera Theatre created?

Encompass New Opera Theatre was created in 1975.

Use encompass in a sentence?

=Oceans encompass about three fourths of the surface of our planet.=