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Abraham's daughter is a retelling of The Bible story of Arbaham and Isaac. In the bible, Arbraham takes Isaac and is about to sacrifice him because god said to, but is stopped by an angel who tells him he no longer has to sacrifice Isaac because he fears god, then Abraham and Isaac sacrifice a ram instead. In the song though, Abraham is about to sacrifice Isaac and the angel is not stopping, but encouraging him. Instead of Isaac being an only child, he has a nameless sister who was raised to support the sacrificing if her brother ("raised for the slaughter") The daughter stands from where she was hiding and stops Abraham from killing Isaac telling him to sacrifice her instead. In this case she is the ram. She forces him to release isaac or she would kill him with an arrow (" then she raised her bow")

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"Abraham's daughter" can refer to Sarah, the wife of Abraham, or to any daughter he may have had. In a broader sense, the phrase can symbolize the lineage or descendants of Abraham in religious or cultural contexts.

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