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I'm not into superstitions. But based solely on the history of symbolism in different cultures, a bird flying could indicate an opportunity for creativity and some project you're doing "taking off" in a good way. At least, that would be my interpretation.

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12y ago

Only that the bird thought it was a safe and handy place to nest in.

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12y ago

It means it is stuck and you ought to help it...

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Q: What is the meaning of a bird flying around in your bedroom?
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Is it an omen to have found a bird flying in your daughters bedroom and a bird flying in your basement on the same morning at the same time as well as a dead bird in garage on three different days?

I would SUSPECT it is a coincidence. Not a very unlikely coincidence, either, since there are usually lots of birds around us.

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When was Flying High Bird Sanctuary created?

Flying High Bird Sanctuary was created in 2002.

What does it mean if the shape of a bird appears on a bedroom window?

This means that there is a bird there or that there is a bird close making the shadow.

What is a flying object?

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How is the bird is flying?
