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The featuring of a volcano in your dreams can mean one of 3 things;

1. If the Volcano is in mid erruption when your dream finishes and ends, i.e you don't see the volcano beigin errupting of finish errupting, it means something in your life, in your mind, in not complete; it may be a love life, a school project, or a friendship, or even life itself.

2. If you see the entire erruption; from finish until end; it means that you feel very physically and mentally strained. you need to take some days off work, relax, and Goddamn it, stop being so contradicting. Also, If the volcano just spurts out a little bit of magma, then stills, it can mean youre experiencing something in your life that is about to errupt in terror. beware and watch out.

3. If the volcano is not errupting at all, and not even spirting out magma, it means you're calm. good luck will come and there will be a trip in your current love life.

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