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Q: What is the meaning of artin paint of Salvador Dali I mean what is the ilustration?
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What kind of paint did Salvador Dali use to paint Gala's Christ?

Oil paint.

What did Salvador Dali use to paint his picture 'The Ghost of Vermeer'?

Oil paint on canvas.

What did Salvador Dali paint?

His dreams or dreamlike pictures.

What did Salvador Dali paint as a young child?


In which style of art did Salvador Dali paint?

He was a surrealist.

Why did Salvador Dali paint the 'Lobster Telephone'?

because he was........

When did Salvador Dali paint the Dentist?

It was painted in 1978

How did Salvador Dali paint?

Dreamlike, seemingly realistic pictures.

At what age did Salvador Dali paint his first picture?

When he was 5.

How did Salvador Dali claim to have been inspired to paint such works as The Lugubrious Game and The Persistence of Memory?

Salvador Dalu claimed to be inspired to paint The Persistence of Memory by watching cheese melt in the sun.

Did Salvador Dali paint 'The Centurion'?

He did make it. It is not a painting, though, it is a lithograph.

What inspired Salvador Dali to paint the'Last Supper'?

His religious beliefs.