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Ur not over them. I must have answered this question 1000times with the words in a different order, get back 2gether fgs u love them still so go 4 it.

EDIT: I'm not sure I agree with this answer 100%. Dreams are tricky; they are the way our subconscious mind works out problems. When having ex-lover dreams, it seems to depend a lot on what is going on in the dream, how it makes you feel, etc. Your former lover may only be a symbol for some larger concept. If you wake up from the dream feeling sad or angry, I really don't think your subconscious mind is telling you that you want to be with this person. Sometimes dreaming of your ex can simply be your deep-seated wish that things had worked out differently manifesting itself. Sure, you might still be in love with your ex. I think if the dream makes you feel good and happy, then that's probably a strong possibility.

ADDT'L INFO: This could also be a time marker from your subconscious, i.e. your dream of a high school boyfriend may mean that qualities he expresses in the dream may be qualities you are now exhibiting OR that you exhibited while in the relationship with him in high school. Dreams use a different language than we do, so it can be a little like deciphering a code. As you keep a dream journal over time, you'll begin to notice that certain symbols mean certain things to you (and perhaps the collective unconscious). Also keep in mind that dreams have multiple meanings (a lasagna "layered" approach), and only the dreamer can say for themselves what the dream means to them.

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