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In a dream, falling symbolizes the movement from the inner higher levels of consciousness where dreams occur, toward the outer, lower levels of conscious-the physical. There is an old wives tale which says that if you dream that you are falling and you hit bottom, you will die. This is not true. Falling symbolizes the mental action of returning to awake consciousness, therefore at the time the dreamer would "hit bottom" he-she usually awakes and the dream images are no longer present.

With knowledge and practice, individuals can learn how to move in and out of the inner levels of consciousness at will. Individuals can pursue studies that will aid them to develop this skill so they can access the considerable wisdom in the inner levels of their own consciousness.

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Q: What is the meaning of falling dreams?
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Most people will experience dreams of falling at some point in their lives. It usually happens when you are just falling to sleep and then something startles you. When dreams of falling occur at the beginning of sleep, they often represent the mind's resistance to "falling" asleep. The subconscious mind creates a literal image and feeling of "falling." Other falling dreams represent feelings of being out of control in some important area of life. Dreams about falling usually occur as you are "falling off" to sleep. They may be triggered by a drop in blood pressure, a movement of the fluid in the middle ear, or a limb dangling off the side of the bed.

What does it mean if you're falling in your dream?

Falling dreams that occur shortly after going to sleep often represent the conscious mind's "falling" asleep. The subconscious mind portrays the expression as literally falling. Later in the night, falling dreams usually represent feeling out of control in some aspect of one's real life.

How can you define dreams?

It's the way the brain handles all the imput, sorting out what needs to be remembered and what doesent, most dreams do not have any meaning, they are unimportant, when you have a dream that has meaning, you will remember it... But not all dreams you remember have meaning...

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From personal experience i can tell you this isn't true. I know I've had dreams of flying without falling.

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