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Q: What is the meaning of hooked beak?
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hooked beak

What kind of beak does eagle have?

Strong hooked beak

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The eagle has a hooked beak

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What shape beak does a hawk have?

It's both a curved and/or a hooked beak, depending on the reference source.

What animals have hooked beak?

Herons , Hawk , Kingfisher

Do pigeon have hooked beak?

An eagle's hooked beak is perfect for tearing up meat. Herons have long beaks for spearing fish. Macaws have powerful beaks for cracking nuts.

Does a hawk tear fish with its beak?

Yes, a hawk has sharp talons and a hooked beak that are designed for this purpose.

Why do ospreys have a hooked beek?

The osprey does have a hooked beak, used in tearing prey apart once caught.

Why do eagles have such hooked beaks?

why does an eagle have a hooked beak