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In vitro fertilisation refers to artificially fertilising an egg with sperm within the confines of a laboratory. This method is often used for couples who are unable to conceive naturally.

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Q: What is the meaning of invetro fertilization?
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Can i get pregnant if I've never done anything sexual?

You are not the Virgin Mary. It's not going to happen without invetro fertilization. ** No. The sperm has to fertilize the egg to become pregnant.

Cattle fertilization method with out male?

They can impregnate cattle just the same as people, meaning they canfertilize the cattle's eggs by invetro fertilization in which sperm is artificially introduced into the cows reproductive system (use your imagination :0). Specialist may also remove egg(s) from the Heffer, fertilize the egg under lab type conditions, and then implant the egg back into the womb (very similar to human artificial fertilization). Hope this helps some.

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Check with your OBGYN and see if the procedure can be reversed and that you are still producing eggs. If neither of these are possible, You can try invetro-fertilization. Good Luck!

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you can't unless you do invetro what is a invetro

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What is the meaning of fertilazation?

Fertilization is when a males sperm cell reaches the woman's egg and enters it.

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What is the explanation for the meaning of term fertilisation?

When male and female come to contact with each other they is called fertilization