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Q: What is the meaning of jewelry breaking such as your necklace when you are wearing it?
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Necklace w/ Locket - More than my own life

Can wearing a magnet necklace attract lightning?

No, wearing jewelry does not incress or decress your chances of being struck, this has been proven in tests

What piece of jewelry is Rosalie wearing that has the Cullen Family crest?

Rosalie wears a pendant on a chain, just like a necklace. The Cullen Crest in on the pendant

What do the colors on a butterfly mood necklace from Claire's mean?

The meaning of the colors on a butterfly necklace from Claire's are not listed. Mood necklaces and rings change color depending on the mood of the person wearing it.

Does Artemis wear a necklace?

The goddess Artemis is not depicted wearing a necklace.

What happens if a Jew takes off his necklace?

If a Jew removes a necklace he is wearing, then he is no longer wearing a necklace. There is no necklace with any religious significance in Judaism. If Jews wear necklaces they are ornamental, like earrings.

What necklace is Carrie Underwood wearing at the cma music festival?

Carrie Underwood at CMA Music Festival wearing NL61 Sunflower necklace in silver and P20- Initial necklace by Charlene K

What is the Mona Lisa wearing on her neck?

A necklace

Is it safe to have an x-ray taken with jewelry?

Yes it's safe. However, if the piece of jewelry is on the part of the body being examined, it will appear on the image. So for example, if you were having a neck x-ray done and you were wearing a necklace, the necklace would show up on the image and this could make it difficult for the reporting doctor to read. The x-ray technician will ask you to remove any jewelry that may interfere with the exam.

What type of necklace was princess celestia's necklace?

It's not actually a necklace. What she's wearing is a type of collar called a gorget. It was originally part of a suit of armor but in the Renaissance people began wearing them by themselves as symbols of nobility.

What Avon necklace is the model wearing in the Avon commercial?

a red necklace with a touch of green in the middle lol :)

In which country does the law prohibit men from wearing neck jewelry?

There is no specific country that has a law prohibiting men from wearing neck jewelry. Cultural or social norms may discourage certain types of jewelry for men in some countries, but it is not a law.