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It means when a road splits into two roads, keep driving on the right side (kind of like a fork where theres three prongs, but in this case only two) probably because there might be a loop. So just keep staying on the right.

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Q: What is the meaning of keep right at the fork?
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Why is the fork on the left and the knife on the right?

Because you use your knife to cut, and your fork to keep your steak from sliding of your plate. It's simply harder to cut your food with your left hand. so you take the fork in the left hand, the knife in the right. That's the reason, why the fork goes left and the knife goes right from the plate.

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The name for the fork came from the Latin word "furca" which means "pitchfork"

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first, go to amityvale and go right. keep going right until there is a fork in the road. take the lower path and do the well quest. when you beat it you have 2 artix's!

In a typical setting what is the only fork to right of your plate?

There is no fork to the right of your plate. Proper etiquette is two knives on the right ... one for buttering a bun served with a meal and the second one for cutting. On the left side is your salad fork (generally salads are eaten first, but each individual is different) and then the fork to eat with the main meal.

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Most vegetables are done cooking when they are fork-tender, meaning they can be easily speared with a fork.

What is the fork oil capacity for 1988 gl1500?

320 cc right fork. 325 cc left fork gives best ride.

Fork oil level Honda V65?

The V65 Magna takes 580cc in the left fork and 565cc in the right fork, according to the manual. The difference in volume is related to the anti-dive modulator on the left fork. Left and right references are as you sit on the bike.

Which fork is used for the salad?

Your salad fork, which is usually smaller than your dinner fork , and to the right of any other forks.

What is the meaning of play a good knife and fork?

eat heartily