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It's simply a 'goal' that's been reached. For example - say you're constructing a housing estate... Completing the first house to a sellable condition is a milestone.

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Q: What is the meaning of milestone in project management?
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What is a milestone in project management?

A significant point (or event) in the life of a project.

What is the milestone in the project management?

A significant point (or event) in the life of a project is called a Milestone. It can be delivery of the project to UAT or completion of Design Phase etc.

When to audit in project management?

Project management entails continuous auditing of the progress and status of a project. Besides for daily, more thoroughly audits should be made weekly and again at every milestone and delivery.

What is the definition of milestones in software engineering?

A milestone is a point some way through a project plan that indicates how far the project has progressed. A milestone deliverable refers to a tangible product that is produced signifying the reaching of the milestone.

What is meant design in project management?

Design management is ensuring that all proper documents are produced at each milestone. Can have several other meanings depending on the context.

What is the critical distinction between a milestone and a deliverable Explain with example?

Milestone and deliverableA milestone is a scheduled event signifying the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables. A milestone has zero duration and no effort -- there is no work associated with a milestone. It is a flag in the work plan to signify some other work has completed.Usually a milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and revalidate work. Milestones are also used as high-level snapshots for management to validate the progress of the project. In many cases there is a decision to be made at a milestone.Deliverable is a term used in project management to describe a tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). A deliverable could be a report, a document, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project. The word is considered corporate jargon.A deliverable may be composed of multiple smaller deliverables. It may be either an outcome to be achieved or a product to be provided

What is project management spectrum?

There's really no such "official" (for lack of better words) thing as Project Management Spectrum, this is merely a term meaning the activities that Project Management covers.

What is the meaning of managing risks?

In Project Management Terms: Risk Management is a process dedicated to identify, analyze, and respond to project risks.

What is the critical distinction between a milestone and a deliverable?

Milestone - A significant point (or event) in the life of a project. Deliverable - Any item that is passed on to the End-user or customer as part of the project. Difference: Acquiring the team to do the project is a milestone but the work done by that team will be a deliverable

What is the meaning of software project?

The software project management is the sub-discipline of project management where the planning and leading software projects are involved. Also in this project, all projects are planned, monitored, controlled and implemented.

What is the total number of PMP?

Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resource Management Project Communications Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Stakeholder Management

What is the meaning of the term stakeholder?

A stakeholder (in Project Management terms) is anyone who's affected and who can affect, in one way or another, the project.