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First cited 1865, probable origin dialectic Dutch pappekak, from Middle Dutch pappe 'soft dung' + kak from the Latin cacare 'to excrete'

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nonsense or absurd

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Q: What is the meaning of poppycock?
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Prince Poppycock was born on 2010-09-01.

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poppycock means horse feathers in dutch, so basically when someone says poppycock they are talking ben sherman bubbles, ok.

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The cast of Poppycock - 1966 includes: Don Chastain Arnold Kotis Ann Willis

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i have known poppy cot to mean a prince or a term meaning darn. Actually the word you are probably thinking of is poppycock, which means nonsense.

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Poppycock is nonsense.

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It's when you eat to much poppycock

What does sub-diffuse mean?

It's when you eat to much poppycock

How do you say poppycock in German?

You could say "quatsch" or "papperlapapp".