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Very simply it means that the business arrangement did not occur for some reason

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Q: What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression 'the deal fell through'?
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What does the expression short end of the candle mean?

It's usually "the short end of the stick," and it means you get the worst of the deal.

What is the meaning of conflagration?

Conflagration a large fire that causes a great deal of damage

What does the idiomatic expression 'get out of my way' mean?

It means move - you are blocking the path in a literal sense. It can also mean that you are or you represent any kind of obstacle to my progress, physical or otherwise, and I want you to stop hindering me. Both of these meanings have a confrontational tone to them, depending on the specific use.The expression can also be used in a more lighthearted way. Say that I am just opening a business, and I am very enthused about the possibility that the business will really take off (succeed quickly and dramatically). I might say something like: "Once my doors open for business, get outta my way! I'm gonna give the competition a run for their money!" (I'm going to give them some competition that they will have to deal with.)

What is a good sentence for the idiom cold feet?

If you have cold feet, you are nervous about doing something. You could also ask someone if they were getting cold feet, meaning are they getting nervous. Tomorrow is your wedding - are you getting cold feet yet?"had reservations about a deal and backed out" Can also be used in the context of marriage... if a groom "has cold feet" it means that he is thinking of backing out of the wedding.getting nervous

Is there a list of colloquialisms?

this kind of idea has a lot to deal with but I wil say why don't u search for the abnorable meaning[I know but I make up words a lot.I know right weird]

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To go up against your fears. To brave something means to face it and to deal with it. Braving the frenzy is an unusual usage, not an idiom itself. Presumedly we might "brave the frenzy" if there were a maddened crowd between us and our destination, and we attempt to go through it.

What is the meaning of in over your head?

The literal meaning is to be in water that is deeper than one is tall. The idiomatic meaning is to be too deeply involved with someone or something, beyond what one can deal with.

What is the meaning of over your head?

The literal meaning is to be in water that is deeper than one is tall. The idiomatic meaning is to be too deeply involved with someone or something, beyond what one can deal with.

What does grit and bear it mean?

Nothing - the correct phrase is "grin and bear it," meaning "fake a pleasant expression and deal with whatever is going on until things get better."

Where does the expression in cards deal is in the kitchen originate?

the kitchen OBVIOUSLY

Ganga is Spanish. what does it mean in English?

bargain as in the expression: ¡Que ganga! What a deal!

What does this expression mean Big deal?

Similar to "so what". Just means it's not that exciting.

Four-letter word meaning deal?


What does the expression short end of the candle mean?

It's usually "the short end of the stick," and it means you get the worst of the deal.

What does an expression to lose one's pants mean?

To lost all one's money on a bad transaction or business deal

What inbd mean in texting?

"its no big deal" is the meaning of inbd