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Someone who twiddles their thumbs is seen as being bored, uninterested, or is waiting for something.

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Q: What is the meaning of thumb twiddl-rs?
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What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the thumb?

Pollical means pertaining to the thumb.

What is thumb mark?

its thumb mark meaning one print your thumb on soemthing and itl be caled a thumb mark or some one made a thumb mark that or surch thumb mark on google images.

What is rule of thumb?

A useful principle but not intended to be reliable in every situation. Meaning the situation applies to everything because long ago the rule of thumb meant 1 inch equals your top of your thumb, so thats the rule of thumb. Over the years it has taken a more figurative meaning.

What is the meaning for the same tattoo on each hand near the thumb?

Gang affilitation?

What is the meaning of keep me under your thumb?

Keeping a close and tight watch on someone.

What does would you rather have a green thumb or be all thumbs?

This is a personal opinion question -- your teacher is trying to see if you know the meaning of these idioms. If you have a green thumb, you are a good gardener; if you are all thumbs, you are clumsy.

What was the hand sign for death in the ring Ancient rome?

The common idea that thumbs down was the sign of death for the defeated gladiator at the amphitheatre (which was an arena, not a ring) was thumb down. However, this is false. The name for the sign was "pollice verso", a Latin term which roughly translates to "turned thumb". We do not know the precise meaning of this term as we do not have a detailed description and we do not know the way the thumb was supposed to be pointed. \similarly, the term for sparing the gladiator was pollice compresso, "compressed thumb". Thus, it seems that it was neither thumb up or thumb down. You had to hide your thumb in your fist. The idea of thumb down is a later invention.

What spiritial meaning is the second finger touching the thumb?

This is a Buddhist mudra (non-verbal communication) that signifies compassion.

What is the meaning of thumb-long?

"Thumb-long" is a descriptive term used to indicate the length of an object, typically referring to something being the size of an average human thumb. It is a rough estimate used to give a general idea of the object's length.

Where did biting your thumb as an insult come from?

Biting your thumb at someone was considered a rude British insult. Also, it is a traditional Sicilian insult meaning 'the hell with you'. Kind of like an American giving somebody the finger. It's on Wikipedia.

What are some compound words that start with the word thumb?

thumb nail, thumb tack, thumb screw, thumb print

What is the length of someones thumb?

My thumb, from the palm-thumb joint to the thumb-tip is 7.0 cm.