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temp in the run command box causes windows explorer to open showing the contents of the windows\temp directory.

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Q: What is the meaning of word temp when you type it in run option of start menu?
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How you get on cookies?

If you have Windows Vista go to the start menu and type in the "Start Search" bar "temp" because your temporary files are your cookies. If you have Windows XP or XD you go to the start menu and go to the "Run" button on there and type in "temp" or "temporary".

How do you locate the temporary files folder on Windows7?

Access the start menu and type into the search bar: "Temp" - this will bring up your temporary files.

How do you clean temp files on windows xp?

first go to run option And write there %temp%, click on ok, select all temp files\folders,use sift+delete

What any recruitment company can reduce the hiring cost for start-up?

The kind of recruitment ompany that can reduce the cost of hiring for a start-up would be something along the lines of a temporary agency. The workers for a temp agency often will take any kind of work and won't cost as much as hiring a full-time employee. The start-up company will then have the option to hire the temp if they like how they work.

What would happen if the volume of gas decreased and then increased?

The temp of the gas would first rise, then drop. If the final volume of the gas is lower than the volume at the start, the temp will be higher than at the start. If the final volume is greater than at the start, then the temp of the gas will be lower than at the start.

Is a mouse a ectotherms?

endothermic. meaning they regulate body temp.

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Should I go with temp agencies?

A temp agency is a good way to start. You may later decide to hire on permenent.

What temp does an ice cube stay start melting?

When its warm

Is a mouse a ectotherm or endotherm?

endothermic. meaning they regulate body temp.

Write a program to merge two linked list and find out the running time?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define null 0 void create(); void display(); void insert(); void delet(); void erase(); void create2(); void display2(); void insert2(); void delet2(); void erase2(); void link1(); void link2(); void merge(); struct node { int info; struct node *next; }*start,*ptr,*temp,*prev; struct node2 { int info; struct node2 *nex; }*start2,*ptr2,*temp2,*prev2; void main() { int op; clrscr(); do { printf("\n1.link1\n2.link2\n3.merge\n4.exit"); printf("\nEnter your option"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1: link1(); break; case 2: link2(); break; case 3: merge(); break; case 4: break; default: printf("\nEnter correct option"); } }while(op!=4); getch(); } void create() { int data; printf("\nEnter the data"); scanf("%d",&data); do { ptr=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->info=data; ptr->next=NULL; if(start==NULL) start=ptr; else { temp=start; while(temp->next!=NULL) { temp=temp->next; } temp->next=ptr; } printf("\nEnter the data & Press 0 to terminate"); scanf("%d",&data); }while(data!=0); } void display() { temp=start; if(start==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { printf("\nElements of list:\n"); while(temp->next!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",temp->info); temp=temp->next; } printf("%d\t",temp->info); } } void insert() { int data,pos; printf("\nEnter data & position to insert the element"); scanf("d",&data,&pos); temp=start; ptr=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->info=data; while(temp->next!=NULL) { if(temp->info==pos) { ptr->next=temp->next; temp->next=ptr; break; } else temp=temp->next; } if(temp->next==NULL) { temp->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; } } void delet() { int pos,flag=0; if(start==NULL) printf("List is empty"); else { printf("Enter element to be deleted"); scanf("%d",&pos); temp=start; if(start->info==pos) { flag=1; start=start->next; free(temp); } else { while(temp->next!=NULL) { prev=temp; temp=temp->next; if(temp->info==pos) { flag=1; prev->next=temp->next; free(temp); break; } } } if(flag==0) printf("\nElement is not present in list"); } } void erase() { if(start==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { while(start->next!=NULL) { temp=start; start=start->next; free(temp); } temp=start; start=start->next; free(temp); printf("list is erased"); } } void create2() { int data; printf("\nEnter the data"); scanf("%d",&data); do { ptr2=malloc(sizeof(struct node2)); ptr2->info=data; ptr2->nex=NULL; if(start2==NULL) start2=ptr2; else { temp2=start2; while(temp2->nex!=NULL) { temp2=temp2->nex; } temp2->nex=ptr2; } printf("\nEnter the data & Press 0 to terminate"); scanf("%d",&data); }while(data!=0); } void display2() { temp2=start2; if(start2==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { printf("\nElements of list:\n"); while(temp2->nex!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",temp2->info); temp2=temp2->nex; } printf("%d\t",temp2->info); } } void insert2() { int data,pos; printf("\nEnter data & position to insert the element"); scanf("d",&data,&pos); temp2=start2; ptr2=malloc(sizeof(struct node2)); ptr2->info=data; while(temp2->nex!=NULL) { if(temp2->info==pos) { ptr2->nex=temp2->nex; temp2->nex=ptr2; break; } else temp2=temp2->nex; } if(temp2->nex==NULL) { temp2->nex=ptr2; ptr2->nex=NULL; } } void delet2() { int pos,flag=0; if(start2==NULL) printf("List is empty"); else { printf("Enter element to be deleted"); scanf("%d",&pos); temp2=start2; if(start2->info==pos) { flag=1; start2=start2->nex; free(temp2); } else { while(temp2->nex!=NULL) { prev2=temp2; temp2=temp2->nex; if(temp2->info==pos) { flag=1; prev2->nex=temp2->nex; free(temp2); break; } } } if(flag==0) printf("\nElement is not present in list"); } } void erase2() { if(start2==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { while(start2->nex!=NULL) { temp2=start2; start2=start2->nex; free(temp2); } temp2=start2; start2=start2->nex; free(temp2); printf("list is erased"); } } void link1() { int op; start=NULL; do { printf("\n1.create\n2.display\n3.insert\n4.delete\n5.erase\n6.exit"); printf("\nEnter your option"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1: create(); break; case 2: display(); break; case 3: insert(); break; case 4: delet(); break; case 5: erase(); break; case 6: break; default: printf("\nEnter correct option"); } }while(op!=6); getch(); } void link2() { int op; start2=NULL; do { printf("\n1.create\n2.display\n3.insert\n4.delete\n5.erase\n6.exit"); printf("\nEnter your option"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1: create2(); break; case 2: display2(); break; case 3: insert2(); break; case 4: delet2(); break; case 5: erase2(); break; case 6: break; default: printf("\nEnter correct option"); } }while(op!=6); getch(); } void merge() { if(start==NULL) { start=start2; } else { temp=start; while(temp->next!=NULL) { temp=temp->next; } temp->next=start2; } temp=start; if(start==NULL) printf("\nList is empty"); else { printf("\nElements of list:\n"); while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d\t",temp->info); temp=temp->next; } } getch(); } the above listed program is definitely good one, here is a program which just does merging job,

What temp does an ice cube start to melt?

1 degrees Celsius