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Yellow Journalism is a mutated division of Journalism that goes against the key principles of reporting as an unbiased and objective tool for conveying the news. Yellow Journalism is "journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers." Yellow journalism 'believes' in a gross misreporting and underreporting of facts, in playing up news that is likely to create a frenzy, stringing an emotional chord with the masses, feeding the appetite for sensationalism, scandal mongering and exciting public opinion

The Battle on Park Row, New York, between William Randolph Hearst's Journal and Joseph Pulitzers World in the late nineteenth century, marked the advent of Yellow Journalism. The role of Pulitzer as primary nurturer comes as surprise to all those who have connected the name only with America's most celebrated Journalistic Award.

In the midst of the War of Words, Hearst lured the Richard Outcault popular artist of the Sunday Worlds comic strip, 'The Yellow Kid', (the then in Vogue cartoon that was prominent and conspicuous and stood out because of use of yellow ink that shone through all the black and white) to the Journal. Pulitzer not to take defeat lying down and had the World continues a rendition of the 'Yellow Kid', even though the artist no longer worked for the paper. And thus the phrase came in to being, with a focal point not the colour but the content that was increasingly tainted in nature.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Yellow journalism led to increased sensationalism and exaggeration in news reporting, which undermined journalistic credibility and ethics. It also fueled public opinion and influenced political decisions, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. Additionally, it paved the way for the rise of tabloid journalism and clickbait tactics in modern media.

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12y ago

I'm not sure if this is what you meant by the question, but I'm taking it as "what significance in today's society did the yellow journalism of the late 1800's produce?"

well, it completely revolutionized the newspaper industry. yes, there were newspapers before this but they were for more of the "higher society" people. newspaper tycoons, such as pultizer and hearst, were the first people to target the mass audience for their newspaper. they were the first people to sort of realize "hey, there's about 7 million Irish catholic immigrants that we can get to buy our newspapers.." it specifically appealed to the small pocketbook and shorter attention spans of the lower classesl; and THAT helped increase literacy and the amount of information known by the general public (despite the fact that most of it was false).

as more people learned that what they were getting was false, they more they investigated their informtion and the more sources they tried to obtain which DID help them to know what was actually going on.

yellow journalims quickly fell out of favor in the public's eye (although it's still used in say, tabloids) but the "newspaper for the masses" idea stuck, and other newspaper companies built upon that concept--making newspapers for EVERYONE to be able to buy and understand...which is an idea that we still use in our modern day.

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13y ago

people will only care about celebrities, and no one will care about politics and economics any longer.

or will people start wars, because someone offended their beloved ones.

yellow journalism should die.

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11y ago

It is a practice of using sensationalism and scare tactics. Many people who teach ethics believe it is unethical for a journalist to use such tactics. What came to be known as "yellow journalism" began in the late 1800s, and it was meant to frighten or manipulate the public, in order to push them to believe a particular idea-- such as that a certain ethnic group was dangerous and needed to be prevented from emigrating or a certain country was evil and needed to be attacked. The stories may have contained a grain of truth or no truth at all, but their purpose was to sensationalize the news and stir up public opinion. The goal was to benefit the people in power who wanted the public to fear that immigrant group or support a war against a certain country.

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12y ago

The indirect results of yellow journalism, would be that they sell more news papers, while also directing people to believe what the reporters want you to believe.

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11y ago

in the united state with his wife in k mart.

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8y ago

journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.

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14y ago

was one of the fewest to fart heavily

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They make it sensational and entertaining

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