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The dog in this dream probably is a symbol representing a person or organization. Because dogs often lick their owner in an effort to get attention, the dream suggests that someone (or some group) is pestering the dreamer with endless solicitations for attention. Similarly, dogs also use licking as "kissing," so the dream might represent someone's effort to express affection.

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Q: What is the meaning or interpretation of a dog licking at you in a dream?
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When dogs licks you in your drema what does it signify?

First of all did you mean dream or drema? So lets just say you meant dream which is what I am 99.99999% sure you meant. Anyways if a dog licks you in your dream to me it means a dog licked you in your dream and nothing really else. Others may disagree and say it is a symbolic message that your dog is happy with you that night. Or maybe the dog is licking you in real life and you just think he is licking you in your dream.

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: /

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by licking you.

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Because you are strange

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