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Q: What is the medical term meaning abnormal growth of tissue around a valve?
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What is the medical term meaning any type of tumor or abnormal growth?

A neoplasm is the medical term meaning any type of tumor or abnormal growth. A neoplasm may be cancerous or benign.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal development?

Dysplasia is the medical term meaning abnormal growth.dysplasiaIt Starts with canA tumor.

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"Hirsutism" is the medical term meaning abnormal hairiness, usually referring to excess hair growth in women in a male pattern distribution, such as on the face, chest, and back. Hirsutism can be caused by hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, or certain medical conditions.

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Acromegaly is the medical term for abnormal secretion of growth hormone after puberty. This can result in abnormal growth.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal growth of tissue in the neck of the uterus?

The medical term for abnormal growth of tissue in the neck of the uterus is "cervical dysplasia." It is often detected through Pap smears and can be a precursor to cervical cancer. Treatment may involve monitoring, removal of abnormal cells, or other interventions depending on the severity.

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Aplasia is the medical term meaning absence of development.

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Achondroplasia is the medical term for a genetic disorder in which there is a lack of formation of cartilage, leading to abnormal bone growth and short stature.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal growth of connective tissue in the lungs that may result as a side effect of radiation?

The medical term for abnormal growth of connective tissue in the lungs that may occur as a side effect of radiation therapy is radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis. This condition can cause scarring of the lung tissue, leading to breathing difficulties and decreased lung function. Treatments may include medications to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms.

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keloidKeloid is an excessive hypertrophic scar.

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Hyperosteogeny is the medical term meaning increased bone growth.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth?

The medical term for abnormal growth of bacteria in the mouth is "oral dysbiosis." This condition can lead to various oral health problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Proper oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups are important in preventing and managing oral dysbiosis.