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Q: What is the medical term meaning dark orange color of concentrated urine?
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What is the Medical term meaning deficient?

hypochromicHypochromic means pertaining to hypochromia, or insufficient color.

What does color mean in medical terms?

Color has the same meaning in medical and common usage.

What is the difference between concentrated orange juice and orange juice?

the orange juice is a liquid but the orange does not.

What does color mean in medical terninology?

"Color" has the same meaning in medical terminology and in lay language. "Calor" means "heat" in medical terminology.

What is the meaning ngoikoni?

Ngoikoni is a kikuyu word which means orange color.

Can orange be a verb in a sentence and how?

Yes, "orange" can be used as a verb in a sentence. For example, "She will orange the walls with paint," where "orange" is used as a verb meaning to color or decorate something with orange.

What color is sailor Venus's?

The colour of Sailor Venus is Orange. (Meaning her outfit)

What are the color of the stars and their meaning?

Stars a yellow-ish orange for the majority of their lifetimes.

What is the answer to the trick question what is the color of an orange?

The color of an orange is orange.

Why are they called orange?

The orange was not named for its color. The word orange comes from a translation of the sanskrit naranga, Which comes from the Tamil naru . . . meaning "fragrant."

Is the orange orange because the color orange is orange or is the color orange orange because the orange is orange?

Orange is the color Orange because of capital letters but with capital it is the fruit orange

What is the meaning of red color in logo of icici bank?

There is not a listed meaning for the red color in the logo of Icici Bank. The logo for this bank is a small letter i with red and orange.