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Bony tissue

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Q: What is the membrane between scalp and skull?
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Related questions

Is the cranium deep to the scalp?

yes, the scalp is the skin over the skull.

Can scalp lesions from lupus lead to brain damage?

No, scalp lesions affect the skin and hair of the scalp. What happens on the scalp does not permeate the brain. The brain is under the skull bones. The lesions cannot get through the skull to the brain.

Is the scalp superficial in relation to the skull?


What large sheet of tissue covers the skull?


Is the brain deep to the skull?

Yes, but that term is not usually used. The brain is encased or surrounds most of skull and is said to be inferior to the skull. Another term or two that can be used are underneath or beneath.

Can Chickenpox spread on the skull as well?

While chickenpox lesions will not affect the bony skull, lesions on the scalp are common. You may also get bumps on the face.

How does a skull represent the nuclear membrane?

A skull does not represent the nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane is a double-layered membrane that surrounds the nucleus of a cell and separates it from the rest of the cell. On the other hand, a skull is the bony structure that encloses and protects the brain in vertebrates. They are unrelated structures with different functions in different systems of the body.

What is scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis can be identified by red, itchy, scaly skin. The flaking of the skin can range between light white flaky patches, similar to dandruff, and brown think scaly patches. For more information about Scalp Psoriasis, view

The top of the head is part of what body part?

Superior or DistalactiveStarting from the top and moving down, arrange these items according to the body parts they are applied on

What area of the head and skull has the greatest concentration of vessels?

The area of the head and skull with the greatest concentration of vessels is the scalp. The scalp is highly vascularized to supply blood to the hair follicles and the skin of the head. This rich blood supply helps nourish the hair and provide a protective barrier for the skull.

What helps lighten the weight of the skull?

Mucus Membrane

What body parts start with the s?

Spleen, Scalp, Spine, Shin, Shoulder, Sphincter, Stomach Skull and Sternum.