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The myelin sheath forms a protective layer over nerves. However, it is not present on all nerves. Retinal nerves for instance normally are devoid of myelin.

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Q: What is the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord called?
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What portions of the body does the dura membrane cover?

The dura membrane covers and protects the brain and spinal cord. It is the outermost layer of the meninges, a system of membranes that surrounds and supports the central nervous system.

Name of Spinal cord lining?

The lining of the spinal cord is called the "Dura". It is not Dura, Dura is a meninge which is the top layer of protective covering for both the brain and the spinal cord. The lining of the spinal cord is called the Endyma, it is derived from a Greek word and you can google the variations. PS: The other two meninges are the Arachnoid which is second and a membrane called Pia mater which surrounds the brain.

Which is the outermost membrane of the brain and spinal cord?

The dura mater is the outermost membrane of the brain and spinal cord. The dura mater is is responsible for keeping in the cerebrospinal fluid.

How does Meningitus spread?

Meningitis is primarily spread through respiratory secretions like saliva or mucus, often through close contact with an infected individual. It can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or by touching surfaces contaminated with the bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis.

Where are meninges found?

membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord

What is ventral subarachnoid?

It is the area between the pia matter and the arachnoid membrane of the brain. The pia matter is part of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid membrane is the inner layer of three layers that surround the brain and spinal cord.

What is the brain and spinal cord collectively called?

The Brain and Spinal Chord comprise the Central Nervous System.

What infectionof the covering of the brain and spinal cord?

Meningitis is an infection of the fluid that surrounds the spine and brain.

How did meningitis get its name?

It is an inflammation of the "meninges," or membranes covering the brain and spinal cords.

What is inflammation of the nerves and inflammation of the spinal cord?

Myeloneuritis is inflammation of the spinal cord and nerves. Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

What connects the spinal cord to the brain?

Brain stem

What is the term meaning inflammation of the nerves and spinal cord?

Myeloneuritis is inflammation of the spinal cord and nerves. Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.