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The limbic system is the part(s) of the brain said to be responsible for the four Fs: feeling, fighting, fearing, and reproduction. ;)

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i think its the brain cortex!

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Q: What part of the brain controls memory and emotions?
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Which part of your brain controls your memory?

The any memory, emotions and language comes from the temporal lobe which is located towards the back of the brain.

What part of the brain controls memort?

The part of the brain that controls human memory is the neocortex, situated in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex also controls language skills and thought.

Which part of the brain is responsible for hearing and memory?

The cerebrum controls all senses, memory, and the ability to learn. Primarily in audio stimulation (hearing) and notably music the right temporal lobe makes sense of what you hear.

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The function of the hypothalamus?

It's the part of the brain which controls basic instincts and emotions, like fear.

What is the largeist paRT of the brain that controls the thinking and memory?

The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain (it makes up 85% of the brain's weight) and it is the thinking part of the brain and contains your short and long term memories.

Is your brain the best part of your body?

Yes. It controls your entire body and allows you to process thoughts and experience emotions.

What part of the brain controls memory and thinking?

The cortex. the cortex is wrong. thinking and memory are controlled by the cerebrum. tust me It is the Cerebrum!

What part of the brain controls jealousy?

The prefrontal lobe is associated with strong emotions. It is reasonable to assume that it is involved in jealousy, although such complex emotions probably involve several other areas of the brain as well.

What part of the brain controls thought voluntary movement memory and processes information from the senses?

cerebral cortex

What part of the brain controls body temperature appetite sleep sexual desire and emotions?

This would be the basal ganglia of the medulla.

What parts of the brain does consciousness utilize?

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that does problem solving, and controls your behavior. It is the source of emotions.