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Q: What is the method of seed dispersal of lily?
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What is the method of dispersing seed?

Wind is the best method of seed dispersal.

What is the seed dispersal of a Asiatic lily?

i think water am i correct

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dispersal of seeds and polination in duckweed

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by seed dispersal

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Splitting Open

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a flower

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it is done by animals

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who would know we are not geeks are we hahaha

How is the blackjack seed suited to its method of dispersal?

The spikes of this seeds get stick to our clothes

Why seed is the best method of seed dispersal?

Because it encloses a well protected embryo inside with plenty of reserve food

What method does a lima bean use for seed dispersal?

the seed pod bursts open and scatters the seeds.the seeds then germinate!!

What is the method of dispersal of lalang?

Wind I guess