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A healthy minimum body fat percentage for women is 10% and for men around 5%. Body fat percentages much lower than those are unhealthy and dangerous and if they get too low, you're at risk of becoming sterile (can't have children).

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Q: What is the minimum body fat?
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Can a human live with 2 percent body fat?

I believe the minimum is 2-5% body fat for males. It is more for females. This is the very minimum you would ever want to have, any less is unhealthy. I think the only way to achieve this low body fat is to be a serious weight-lifter, as that would increase your mass without increasing fat lowering the percentage. I'm fairly certain its impossible for anyone else.

Why is it important to keep your body fat minimum as a sports perfomer?

Any fat you have is more weight for your body to carry. Any muscle you have is helping you carry the fat. You definitely need to have some fat so prevent you from burning muscle, but the more fat you have, the harder it is to carry it around, making you more tired. In any sport, it is most beneficial to get less tired.

Is body fat sugar?

No. Body fat is fat.

What percentage of body weight is it safe to lose?

Men and Women have different minimums for body fat percentage. For a man anything below 5% body fat is unsafe. For a woman the minimum is 12%. Evidence suggests that there's no real benefit for going below 8% for men or 14% for women.

What happeneds is you starve yourself Do you gain weight?

You will definitely not lose weight because you body will hold on to the fat and use only the minimum to be able to survive the longest.

Body composition is the ratio of body fat to?

Lean Body Fat

What happens when you have no fat?

If you had no body fat, you would die. Everybody has (and needs!) body fat.

What you should consider is your body fat?

You should consider your fat tissues as your body fat.

Why does the body store fat?

The body stores fat to save energy for when the body needs it. It also uses fat to regulate the body temperature.

What is total body fat?

I think it's fat in your body

What is fat and what is it used for in the body?

the fat in your body is used for protiene

What is the definition of Body Composition?

Body composition refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body. Those with a higher proportion of fat-free mass to a lower proportion of body fat have a healthy body composition.