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Q: What is the minimum fine for passing a school bus with flashing lights?
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How much will a failure to stop at flashing bus lights cost in palmdale California?

In California, the fine for passing a school bus that's stopped with flashing red lights is $1000.00

Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to?


If a school bus is parked in a shopping mall with flashing red lights on but no driver or students can you get a ticket for passing it after coming to a full stop?

In most cases, traffic laws regarding passing a school bus with flashing red lights apply only on public roads. In a shopping mall, it's unlikely you'd get a ticket for passing a parked school bus with its lights on and no students or driver inside. However, it's always wise to follow any posted rules or instructions.

Remain stopped as long as these lights on a school bus are flashing?

Red lights flashing on a school bus mean remain stopped until they are turned off.

Will your insurance go up if you get a ticket for passing a school bus?

If you pass a school bus when the red lights are flashing and you get a ticket, it is a moving violation and your insurance will more than likely go up.

How much is a ticket for not stopping for a school bus in California?

I recently got a ticket for passing a school bus that was not flashing lights but was opening the stop sign as I was approaching the bus. I received my fine and almost fell back for knowing that my fine was $742. I appeared in court and now appealing the fine. It was not my fault that the bus was not flashing the lights.

When a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the what must you do?

Stop until the red lights stops flashing

When you come upon a school bus which is stopped and flashing red lights?

You should remain stopped until the bus's red lights are no longer flashing.

When does a vehicle NOT have to stop for a school bus with red flashing lights?


If a school bus is displaying flashing red lights you must do what?
