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As in most states marijuana is considered a mistameder, the second coviction will depend on how much you where caught with, and wether you take a deal or not.

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Q: What is the minimum sentence for the second conviction of possession of marijuana in Louisiana?
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What are the Tennessee simple possession of marijuana 2nd offense penalties?

If this is your second or greater conviction for simple possession you will face Class E felony charges which carry a potential sentence of 1-6 years and fines up to $3,000.

What is the average sentence for marijuana possession in the US?

Usually, there is no jail or prison sentence with only possession, but depending the state which you are in, you will receive a small fine and/or confiscation.

Use conviction in a sentence?

I have a firm conviction that a good educational system is the best thing for any society. His conviction on drug possession charges ruined his chances for graduating with his class.

What happen if you get caught with weed in Virginia?

in Virginia, a first offense for possession of marijuana is an unclassified misdemeanor with a maximum 30 day jail sentence. A subsequent conviction for marijuana then becomes a class 1 misdemeanor and a class 1 misdeameanor carries up to 10 years in prison; fines of up to $2,500 they hurt you.

Can an ex fellon own a gun in Louisiana?

You will need to get a lawyer and provide ALL THE DETAILS of your crime, trial, conviction, sentence to get an answer.

A sentence for conviction?

she was in conviction

What is the maximum sentence for possession of marijuana attempt a class 6 felony?

12 to 16 years and 3 years of probationgood luck

Will someone lose benefits if convicted of a felony no jail just probation?

A conviction is a conviction. Probation IS a sentence - - a lenient sentence but a sentence nonetheless.

What sentence can you use with the word conviction in it?

The strength of his conviction was carried in the vigor of his voice. An accusation is not the same as a conviction.

What is a sentence that has a synonym for conviction in it?


What can happen in Illinois to a minor who is being chrged with a felony for having synthetic marijuana in his possession at school?

Possession of marijuana itself in small amounts is not a felony. Possession of synthetic marijuana may not even be a crime, depending on the local law. If the child is charged criminally, it will come out of the jurisdiction of the school, and the case will be tried in the courts. If the person is convicted, he may be subject to a jail sentence exceeding on year in confinement. The charged should confer with a criminal defense lawyer in Illinois to determine whether he has any legal defense or mitigating circumstances.

How do you put conviction in a sentence?

The conviction occured after the jury agreed to send the man to prison