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WikiTree's mission is to create a worldwide family tree with which anyone can freely connect their private family histories.

WikiTree aims to strike the perfect balance between collaboration and privacy. The site provides a free and easy way to privately share information and organize facts, memories, and photos. At the same time, distant relatives and strangers collaborate on a broader, more public scale to grow the worldwide tree.

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Related questions

Where was WikiTree created?

WikiTree is entirely Internet-based. It was created online. The creator of WikiTree, Chris Whitten, lives in New York State.

How many profiles are on WikiTree?

There are over 2,120,000 profiles on WikiTree as of August, 2011.

Does WikiTree cost any money to use?

WikiTree does not cost anything to use.

Is there a blank family tree form to print on wikitree?

Yes, there are some simple forms available on wikitree.

Can someone get addicted to WikiTree?

Yes, it is very possible to get addicted to WikiTree. It is possibly to get addicted to anything if you enjoy it enough.

Is WikiTree available in any other languages?

No. At this point, WikiTree is only available in English. Profiles can be written in any language but the instructions and field names are in English. WikiTree does plan to add international versions later.

When was WikiTree created? was started in 2008. Chris Whitten began working on WikiTree after leaving at the end of 2007.

Will WikiTree receive any updates?

WikiTree is continually being updated. Every month new features and functions are released.

Is WikiTree free?

Yes. WikiTree is entirely free. There is no "premium" membership. Expenses are paid by modest ads on public pages.

When was WikiTree released?

WikiTree was opened to the public for beta testing in 2008. However, that was an early stage and many functions were still being developed. WikiTree has released hundreds of new features since then. Every month new features are released.

How much does WikiTree cost to use?

WikiTree is entirely free. It does not charge anyone for membership. Expenses are paid by modest ads on public pages.

Who invented the name of WikiTree?

Chris Whitten.