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Q: What is the mode of reproduction that clown fish use?
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Do fish use external reproduction or internal reproduction?

The salmon reproduces externally. The female salmon will lay the eggs and then the males will shoot their semen on top of the eggs to fertilize them.

Why do clown fish live in anemones?

Not usually. Clown fish are immune to anemones and actually live in them and use them for protection. They also eat scraps of food that the anemone missed. If the layer of mucus that coats these fish is damaged or compromised, however, they can actually be stung and even killed/eaten. This can also happen when the fish come in first contact with an anemone. If clownfish are removed from an anemone they were previously accustomed to for extended periods, they can lose that immunity and be stung and potentially eaten. hi

What are the modes of reproduction in animals?

Sexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction for cows. They use internal fertilization which means the egg is fertilized inside the cow.

What adaptations do a clown fish have for survival?

Clownfish live in symbiosis with the Sea Anemone. The Clownfish leaves waste for the Anemone to feed on while the Anemone shelters it from predators. The most predominant adaptation a Clownfish has is its ability in immunity to Anemone stings, thusly, the mutualism.

What is a fish's body structure?

Fish are scaly, making them more streamlined. They have swim bladders that fill with air and keep them from sinking. They have gills, which extract oxygen from the water. Finally, they have fins, which they use to propel themselves through the water.

Related questions

Do clown fish use mitosis or meiosis?

Clownfish reproduce sexually through meiosis, which involves the formation of haploid sperm and egg cells that combine during fertilization to form a diploid zygote. Mitosis is a process of cell division used for growth and tissue repair.

What are some threats to the clown fish?

The main threat to clown fish is pollution killing off the anemones that the clown fish use as a protection against predators.

What type of fertilization do clown fish use?


What is the mode of asexual reproduction do prokaryotes use?

Binary fission

On Sims 3 there is a tragic clown fish and I have watermelon my sims is on lvl 4 and I can't use the watermelon?

Get to the 10th level and then you can use the watermelon to catch the tragic clown fish in the ocean

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How do clown fish moves?

They use there side fins to help them steer.

What animals use symbiosis in a kelp forests?

I think the Clown fish and the Anenome

Are sea anemone poisonus to humans?

Sea anemone are not poisons to humans in fact they are not poisonus us to some fish such as the clown fish. Sea anemones use their poisons has their defense "weapon". Sea anemones are helpful to clown fish because that's wear they live and clown fish predators are threaten by their poisons.So to answer your question no they are not. :)

How do clown loaches eat?

The same way as any other fish. They use their mouths and swallow.

What the adaptation for clown fish?

the reason why is because they can go into Sea anemones and they will kill all other fish that go into it but because the clown fish protects the Sea anemone then it will not hurt it so it's adapted to life in the Sea anemone

Do fish use external reproduction or internal reproduction?

The salmon reproduces externally. The female salmon will lay the eggs and then the males will shoot their semen on top of the eggs to fertilize them.