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The Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII, who rectified errors in the Julian calendar, which was the previously accepted calendar.

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Q: What is the modern 12 month calendar called?
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Why was there used to be 10 monthes in a year?

In the ancient Roman calendar December (which means 10th) was the final month of the year and it was Julius Caesar who introduced the 12 month calendar known as the Julian Calendar.

What month and year was 12 days taken out of the calendar to fix it?

It was September of 1752. The month went from the 2nd to the 14th.

What was the 13th month called?

There is no widely recognized 13th month in the Gregorian calendar or other widely used calendars. Most calendars consist of 12 months.

What calendar did Romans use?

The Romans had three calendars in the ocurse of their history. The first calendar was the calendar of Romulus, the first king of Rome. It had only ten months. The second calendar was the calendar of Numa, named after Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, who added two months, bringing it to 12 months. Both of these calendars were lunar. Julius Caesar undertook a major reform of the calendar, introducing a solar calendar. It is Called the Julian calendar. Apart from some changes for refinement introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, it is the calendar we still use today. Because of the changes it is now called the Gregorian calendar. The names we use for the months are derived from the names in the Julian Calendar. July is derived form Julius. This month was named after Julius Caesar. August is derived from Augustus. This month was named after Augustus. September, October, November and December mean 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th month (In Latin septem is 7, octo is 8, novem is 9 and decem is 10). This is because the Roman year started in March and therefore these months were the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th.

Why is the calendar divided into 12 months?

Because Our calendar is a product of long evolution from a hunting society to an agricultural society. The hunters originally used a lunar calendar--new month each new moon. But new moons occur every 29.5 days, which is 12 in 355 days. This is not commensurable with a seasonal calendar such as agricultural societies would want. Ancient Rome tried to fix this by having a 13th month every third year. This did not work out too well, because the head priests played games, calling for an extra month whenever people they liked were elected to head the government (2 year terms). Julius Caesar hired an ethnic Greek from Alexandria Egypt, Sosigenes, to create the 365 day calendar with an extra day every fourth year.12 month calendars are favored because business works on a quarter system.