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16 molar.

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The molar concentration of nitric acid can vary depending on the specific solution. However, a common concentration of nitric acid used in laboratories is around 16 M (molar). This means there are 16 moles of nitric acid in 1 liter of solution.

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Q: What is the molar concentration of nitric acid?
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What do they mean when they say that concentrated nitric acid is 16 molar?

When nitric acid is described as being 16 molar, it means that the solution contains 16 moles of nitric acid in one liter of solution. This indicates the concentration of the acid in the solution, with higher molarity values indicating a more concentrated solution.

What is the commercial name of nitric acid?

The commercial name of nitric acid is aqua fortis.

Is nitric acid a dilute acid?

Nitric acid can be dilute or concentrated. This is simply a matter of how much of it you have in a given amount of a solution, which is variable.

How is nitric acid different from vineagar?

They are different acids. They are also different by acid strength and the concentration of them. (Vinegar is 5% acetic acid in water, while a normal concentration of 70-78% nitric acid is stronger)

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Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid have comparable degrees of acidity; the strength of either acid will depend upon the concentration.

How many grams are in 1 mole of nitric acid?

The molar mass of nitric acid (HNO3) is approximately 63 grams per mole.

If ferrous solution is stabilized with one molar sulfuric acid does that mean ferrous concentration is one molar?

Not necessarily or even usually. The term "one molar" refers to the concentration of the acid added and does not have anything to do with the concentration of ferrous ions.

By mass of N in HNO3?

The molar mass of nitric acid (HNO3) is approximately 63 g/mol. Nitric acid contains one nitrogen atom, which has a molar mass of about 14 g/mol. This means that the percentage by mass of nitrogen in nitric acid is approximately 22%.

Comparison between dilute solution of nitric acid and a concentrated nitric acid?

A dilute solution of nitric acid has a lower concentration of nitric acid molecules compared to a concentrated solution. This leads to the dilute solution having a lower acidic strength and being less corrosive. Concentrated nitric acid, on the other hand, has a higher concentration of nitric acid molecules, making it more acidic and corrosive.

What is the molarity of nitric acid?

The molarity of nitric acid, HNO3, can vary depending on the concentration of the solution. For example, a 1 M solution of nitric acid would contain 1 mole of HNO3 per liter of solution. It is important to know the concentration or volume of the solution to determine the molarity of nitric acid.

Why does HCl create more gas than nitric acid on when dissolving sea shells?

HCl is a stronger acid and will dissolve more of the shell than an equivalent concentration of nitric acid.

Formula for dilute nitric acid?

its the same formula, whether it is dilute or concentrated depends on the molar volume per litre pf the substance :)