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To calculate the molecular mass of any substance, you need the Periodic Table and the formula of the substance. So you want the molecular mass of ethane?

so ethane's formula is C2H6

Break up the atoms

there are 2 carbons and 6 hydrogen

Now get your periodic table and look at carbon's Atomic Mass, you may want to round it to get a whole number answer.

so for carbon the atomic mass is 12, and we have 2 carbons, so simply do 12 *2 = 24

Now do the same for hydrogen

Hydrogen's atomic mass = 1

6 hydrogens = 1*6 = 6

Now add the total atomic masses together for to get 24 + 6 = 30 , which is the molecular mass of ethane. easy as that!!!

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12y ago
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13y ago

you look at the table of elements. you know ethyne is C2H2. Carbon's mass is 12.011 and hydrogen is 1.0079. multiply both by 2 because you have 2 carbons and 2 hydrogens and add them all together. you get 28.05

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8y ago

Ethyne is an alkyne, and as such, has a triple covalent bond between carbon atoms. Its molecular formula is C2H2. It is commonly known as acetylene.

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13y ago

26 grams/mole

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11y ago

28.05 g mol-1

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7y ago

28.05 g/mol

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