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The theme of the short story, My Brother's Peculiar Chicken, by Alejandro Roces is that people have differing opinions on a subject. One person sees something one way and another person sees the exact opposite when looking at the same situation.

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12y ago

the story also give me a moral lesson in life. it says that we must not judge anything by its outer covering. eventhough someone is not totally looking good, it doesn't neccessarily mean that it is bad. like in meeting people, we don't have to choose the beautiful or the handsome one. the most important is the personality of the person!!

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Junville Arceo

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2y ago

Be understandable and helpful what ever it takes.

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Q: What is the moral lesson in the story of My Brother's Peculiar Chicken?
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What is the moral lesson of your brothers peculiar chicken?

the story also give me a moral lesson in life. it says that we must not judge anything by its outer covering. eventhough someone is not totally looking good, it doesn't neccessarily mean that it is bad. like in meeting people, we don't have to choose the beautiful or the handsome one. the most important is the personality of the person!!

What is the moral lesson of the story my brother peculiar chicken?

the story also give me a moral lesson in life. it says that we must not judge anything by its outer covering. eventhough someone is not totally looking good, it doesn't neccessarily mean that it is bad. like in meeting people, we don't have to choose the beautiful or the handsome one. the most important is the personality of the person!!

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