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Don't eat evertthing

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Q: What is the moral of the tiger the brahman and the jackal?
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Why did the Brahman repeat his story to the jackal?

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What is the commensal relationship for a tiger and a jackal?

The tiger kills food but doesn't eat all of it. The jackal eats the rest. The jackal gets food and the tiger is not harmed.

What is an example of commensalism in the Himalayas?

In the Himalayas, the golden jackal will sometimes form a commensal bond with a tiger. They will follow the tiger at a safe distance and feed on the remains of the tiger's kill. The tiger gains no benefit, but the jackal gains food and a measure of protection from other predators from the presence of the tiger.

What symbiosis is golden jackals and tigers?

It a commensalistic relationship between the Golden Jackal and the Tiger.

Can Bengal tigers kill jackals and wolves?

well it turns out yes, Bengal tigers attend to kill leopards, crocs, Indian python, jackals and wolves. The tiger is 90% stronger than the wolve and jackal infacts the tiger is over 100% strong its probably the strongest and powerful animal in the cat family. The tiger is 5 times bigger than a jackal, the tiger is 4 times bigger than a wolve. Tigers attack jackals and wolves because sometimes when a Tiger makes a kill jackals and wolves try to steal they'r food. But the Tiger never gives up they act like they are busy eating and they don't know that a wolve or a jackal is coming but they can hear them coming so when the jackal or wolve gets close enough. The tiger strikes it usally bites the 2 wild dogs.

How does a tiger behave with other animals?

The Wikipedia article "Tiger" is very helpful in answering this question. Tigers like to be alone! Although the territories of tigers may sometimes overlap, they prefer living and hunting apart from other tigers. With other animals, relationships differ. Tigers are fiercely competitive for prey, and will kill potential rivals, like leopards, anacondas*, and crocodiles. With the jackal, however, the tiger seems to tolerate the jackal's presence, and the jackal benefits from the tiger's hunts. *Note: Anacondas are found in South America and do not occur anywhere near the range of the tiger. Pythons, however, are found in the area.

What species-species relationship or example did you find the most interesting or unusual?

Coyote and american badger- the coyote runs the prey down and when it burrows the badger digs it up and they kill it and both eat. Gray wolf and raven- the raven flies over dead animals and the wolves find it that way, or the wolves hunt down and kill something and don't mind if it scavenges. Tiger and jackal- the tiger can hunt the prey and then the jackal warns the tiger if another tiger is coming or another animal.

Who is John the jackal?

a jackal

What is Tiger Woods worth in 2010?

one penny less than his moral values

In the film The Day of the Jackal who portrayed the jackal?

Edward Fox played The Jackal

Name of the Hindu god of creation?

Brahman Brahman

What are the avatars of Brahman?

Brahman is absolute. It has no avatars.However, Brahman exists in two forms.1. Saguna Brahman: The state of activity at which we don't feel our body2. Nirguna Brahman: The state of rest at which we don't feel our body.The two are not two avatars of Brahman because in the Brahman state we don't feel end of one activity and beginning of the next activity.