

Best Answer

Linden or lime are the common names of Tilia of which there are many species and varieties.

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Q: What is the more common name of linden tree?
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What is the meaning of the name Linden?

The name Linden is of English origin and means "linden tree" or "lime tree." It is also associated with strength and protection due to the sturdy nature of the tree.

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The name Linden is of English origin and is derived from the linden tree, which is known for its heart-shaped leaves, fragrant flowers, and symbolism of protection and healing. It is a unisex name often chosen for its natural and tranquil connotations.

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Is Tupelo tree of the same kind or from the same famile as a Lime or Linden Tree?

Tupelo is commonly referred to as a gum tree. ie black gum. It is not related to the linden or the lime. The scientific name for black gum or tupelo is Nyssa sylvatica and is in the Nyssaceae.

Is Lindskold a German name?

No, it's likely Swedish or Norwegian meaning "linden tree forest."

What is another name for a lime tree?

Gum trees are members of the genus Eucalyptus. There are over 700 species of Eucalyptus, all but 9 of which are native to Australia.

What is a linden shield from medieval times?

A shield made of wood from a linden(basswood) tree.

What does the Lindsay mean?

Linden Tree by the water

What is the scientific name for a Basswood tree?

The Lime and Linden tree is closely related to the Basswood tree. Tilia vulgaris grows throughput Europe and Eastern Asia. Tiliaamericana produces basswood in Canada and the eastern part of the USA, where it is known as American Lime; Tilia japonica, Japanese lime is also known as Japanese basswood. The Family name for the lime/basswood/linden tree is: Tiliaceae.