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Q: What is the mosasaur's reproduction and young?
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Is there evidence of mosasaurs or pliosaurs giving birth or laying eggs?

An Aigialosaurus specimen was found with eggs developing inside of it. This is proof that mosasaurs did give birth to live young, which developed in eggs that the mother held in her body. Pliosaurs, also known as short necked plesiosaurs, also gave birth to live young.

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Where do young produced from asexual reproduction get their genes from?

The parent.

What will the young inherit from asexual reproduction?

Traits and Characteristics.

How are sexual and asexual reproduction form?

Sexual reproduction is when two parents put cells into their young. Asexual reproduction is when a organism is formed with only one parent.

How does Tasmanian tiger reproduction birth to live young?

for their meat

When did mosasaurs live?

70 million years ago

What do birds and mammals reproduction have in common?

Both birds and mammals care for their young.

How is boa reproduction?

Most species are ovoviviparous, with females giving birth to live young.

Where does reproduction happen?

if you cant spell does correctly then you r too young to know sozz

What are the modes of reproduction in animals?

Sexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction for cows. They use internal fertilization which means the egg is fertilized inside the cow.

What is the mode of reproduction of cat?

The cat, like all mammals uses sexual reproduction, with internal fertilization. The foetuses develop inside the mother and the young are born alive.