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In Oedipus Rex, the most commonly discussed theme is sight and blindness. Blindness is described as misunderstanding where Oedipus is unwilling to accept his fate foretold by the prophets because of his arrogance and pride called hubris. He does not consider he himself could be the deceased King Laius' murderer because he had never met him in person. He doesn't believe Tiresias, the seer, because he prudently thinks that it is impossible to be Laius' son when his parents exist in Corinth. Sight is when he finally uncovers the truth of his origin and the mystery of the murder. He recalls the prophecy when he heard as a child, about killing his father, marrying his mother and having children with her. Then he learns that his parents in Corinth were not his real parents, and the passenger he killed at a crossroad was King Laius, his real father.

This tragic play is also ironic because he could physically see in the beginning but is intellectually blind of ignorance. In the end he blinds himself physically because he does not want to see his disgusting world the gods had laid before him, but is able to see and understand the reality.

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Q: What is the most Question about Oedipus The King?
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