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Well, many paper towels are absorbent but I find that Brawny or Bounty absorb best.

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Q: What is the most absorbent paper towel?
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Which brand of paper towel is most absorbent?

Bounty is known to be one of the most absorbent paper towel brands on the market. They are specifically designed to be strong and soak up spills efficiently.

A bar graph on which paper towel is the most absorbent?

it is bounty

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butter ckicken

Which paper towel is most absorbent Bounty or Sparkle?

Bounty paper towels are generally considered more absorbent than Sparkle paper towels due to their thicker and more durable design. Bounty towels are designed with a unique quilting pattern that allows them to absorb and retain more liquid compared to Sparkle towels.

Is Scott an absorbent paper towel?

yes Scott is a absorbent paper brand

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bounty scott

How absorbent is a brawny paper towel?

great bro!

Is a paper towel more absorbent than others because of its thickness?

The most important is the porosity.

Is tissues the most absorbent paper?

I'd say paper towel, but I'm sure it depends on the specific brands of each. After all, paper towel are meant to be as absorbent as possible, whereas the others are not meant for that

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Paper towel is typically the most absorbent among these options due to its design and purpose for cleaning up spills and messes. Tracing paper is designed to be transparent, making it less absorbent than tissue paper used for art or drawing.

What is Tuf paper towel made of?

Made from low quality absorbent paper. It's a low quality, low priced paper towel. You get what you pay for.

Which paper towel is more absorbent bounty or dixie?

bounty of course